Can anyone really say that most politicians are not liars? Big fat liars at that! The absurdity that is broadcast every day from pundits, news journalists, politicians that frequent the media airways and the moronic BS'ers that claim the title political party consultants is undeniably depressing!
We now have a presidential candidate that just out and out bald-faced lies about anything that he feels might give him an advantage over his opponent in the fall election. The unabashed stupid talk keeps pouring in from individuals like Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Alan West, Orly Tates and so on. (I won't name some of the more intelligent people that engage in stupid talk just yet in an effort to first make more of a point) These people not only are talking directly to the rabid, radical base - they are that gone bonkers base! Others that had more credibility (until they start mouthing this insipid dribble) and are generally considered far more intelligent (without them having to tell you that they are fabulously intelligent) have decided to wag the dog. Here they engage in something we used to see little of due to a tempered outlook on how the general public would react (at the polls that is) to utter stupid talk.
I don't know if it has been decided that the public will look far more favorably towards this trend of goose-stepping, scripted lies told over and over again because of a polarized political environment or that they are just that plain stupid?
Time will only tell and be sure that no one will take responsibility for their own ignorance or utter stupidity. The liars certainly never do and I don't expect that to change!