Infrastructure does not have to be restricted to the construction industry only! Please do not be so narrow minded and uncreative in your thinking when it comes to proposing a plan to generate job growth for our country!
Here is the challenge: I cannot think of one time where cutting taxes has spurred job growth, not a single one! Why do we hear this lie perpetuated over and over again by conservatives? Trickle down economics has been proven NOT to work! The government, our government must be playing an integral role in creating jobs and thereby stimulating the economy. Any 1st year student of history or economics knows this as fact!
If you can reference any actual historical fact where tax cuts and trickle down economics worked to turn around or stimulate a down economy please post it here!
The children in Congress need to stop playing politics and arguing over the rhetoric instead of the facts – go ahead but let’s get this done instead of lying and cheating the American people! Please!