There have been many quotes regarding "the measure of a man" but they all pretty much tell the same story and advise or enlighten us as to an individual’s measure. Their honor, integrity, there ethical standing in the world and their moral conviction... or not. We see in our political representatives that measure each and every day and it is truly a monumental disappointment. Our elected officials lack so much, honor, integrity and just simple plain honesty. The only "men" we generally see that show any measure of the best human qualities are women! Most of the men in government show a measure which displays the least desirable qualities in humanity. Dr. King's quote referred to the measure of a man is not where one stands in moments of comfort and convenience but during times of challenge and controversy. That is the true test or measure.
We see, everyday it seems that test, that measure in times of challenge and controversy a lack of the best qualities and the display of the worst in all too many of our politicians and government officials.
It is that simple. This administration (Trump) and most of those representing it have failed that measure horribly. What we have seen is corruption, cowardice, avarice, greed of power and wealth.and a loathsome anti-democratic agenda veiled in egregious lies and false righteousness. This is the light, the measure that the current administration and its Republican party now paints itself with.